Effects Of Extreme Weather On Car Batteries

An automotive car runs on fuel but it is not the only important component in a car. An automotive battery is also a very necessary part of a car. They are a mandatory part of the vehicle as they provide the requisite power to start the engine and keep the electrical systems running smoothly. 

As it is so crucial for a car, it is important to make sure that they stay undamaged. However, extreme weather conditions can significantly impact their performance and lifespan. The following points will try to explain the reasons on what affects an automotive battery and what could be done to prevent them from getting damaged.

Car Batteries in Cold Weather

The most common weather issue that affects the quality of an automotive battery is the cold weather. When the temperature drops and the surroundings start getting colder, the chemical reaction inside the battery slows down resulting in the reduced power output. Hence, it becomes harder to start the engine and the battery can quickly die.

Prevention: You can prevent your car battery from failing in cold weather by considering investing in a battery heater. It will help in keeping the battery warm and make sure that it stays charged. Also, you can park your car in a garage or sheltered area to protect it from extreme cold.

Car Batteries in Hot Weather

Similar to the cold weather, hot weather can also have a major impact on car batteries. In this case, the high temperatures can cause the battery’s electrolyte to evaporate faster, reducing its power output. Plus, extreme heat can make the battery corrode faster, reducing its lifespan.

Prevention: Similar to the cold weather, make sure to park your car in a shaded area or under a covered parking lot to prevent it from failing in hot weather. Also, you can invest in a battery insulator which will keep the battery cool and prevent it from corroding.

Car Batteries in Humid Weather

Even the humidity can have a negative impact on the car batteries. When the air is humid, it can result in the battery’s terminals to corrode faster which can result in poor connectivity and reduced power output.

Prevention: Make sure to clean the terminals of your automotive battery from time to time to prevent your car battery from failing in the humid weather. You can also use a mixture of baking soda and water to remove any corrosion and prevent it from spreading.


Your car battery will get affected if you live in an area where the weather fluctuation is common. Sudden temperature changes can cause the battery’s internal components to expand or contract that can lead to internal damage and reduced power output.

Prevention: To save your battery from the damage through the weather fluctuations, it is important to regularly get it checked by an experienced automotive mechanic. They can inspect the battery for signs of damage and replace it if necessary.

The weather conditions can cause the battery to fail abruptly and it is very important to make sure that your car battery is working just fine. These weather conditions can affect the performance, efficiency and lifespan to a great extent. By taking the necessary precautions, you can prevent your

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The Impact of Temperature and Driving Conditions on Automotive Battery Performance

Automotive batteries are an essential component of vehicles, providing power to start the engine and run various electrical systems. However, according to battery manufacturers in India performance of automotive batteries can be impacted by various factors, including temperature and driving conditions.


Temperature has a significant impact on the performance of automotive batteries. Batteries work best in moderate temperatures, typically between 20°C and 25°C. Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can reduce the battery’s performance and shorten its life. In hot weather, the battery’s internal chemical reactions are accelerated, which can cause it to wear out more quickly. In cold weather, the battery’s ability to produce electricity is reduced, which can make it difficult to start the engine.

Driving conditions:

Driving conditions can also impact the performance of automotive batteries. Vehicles that are used frequently and driven for long distances are typically easier on the battery than vehicles that are driven infrequently or for short distances. Vehicles that are driven in stop-and-go traffic or in hilly areas can also place extra demands on the battery, as the alternator is forced to work harder to recharge the battery.

How to Maintain the Health of your Automotive Battery?

To maintain the health and performance of an automotive battery, it is important to keep it properly charged. Regular use and long drives can help to maintain a healthy battery, but it is also important to check the battery’s charge level regularly and ensure that it is properly maintained.

Another factor to consider is the type of battery. There are various types of automotive batteries, including lead-acid batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, and lithium-ion batteries. Each type has its own unique characteristics and can be impacted differently by temperature and driving conditions.

For example, lead-acid batteries are commonly used in vehicles and are generally less affected by temperature than other types of batteries. Lithium-ion batteries, on the other hand, are more sensitive to temperature and may require more careful management in extreme conditions.

In conclusion, temperature and driving conditions can have a significant impact on the performance of automotive batteries. It is important to consider these factors when selecting a battery and to ensure that the battery is properly maintained and charged. Regular use, proper charging, and careful management of the battery can help to prolong its life and ensure optimal performance.

You can get the right battery for your car from Eco Power, a leading Automotive battery manufacturer in Lakhimpur, India.

Innovations in Automobile Industry

India is one of the most populated countries in the world. This much of the population brings enhanced requirements by the residents. To fulfill its daily needs of locomotion and traveling, the country has become the third-largest road network in the world. In 2019, the total number of vehicles stood at 295.8 million. Yeah, the number is huge. If we talk about per-state automobile usage, then UP stands high on the list. Till the fiscal year of 2019, there were more than 32.7 million registered vehicles in the Indian state. Lakhimpur, one city in Uttar Pradesh widely uses automobiles.

Keeping in mind the whopping figures, India can revolutionize its automobile industry. Though we are living in an era filled with the latest technological advances, India can bring automation to the automobile industry. India has been already using the long-established technologies and incorporating them into many industries. Technologies like big data, artificial intelligence, and IoT (internet of things) offer many advantages.

1. Autonomous Vehicles: Indian roads will see self-driving cars, all thanks to new automotive technology innovations. Artificial Intelligence is leading to innovative transport methods. These self-driving cars don’t need any individual to drive but they drive on software and sensors. This innovation has been revolutionizing traditional transportation. Many cars these days have semi-autonomous abilities including highway lane sensors, automatic braking sensors, mapping technology. Battery manufacturers in India are striving to give the best battery backup to electric cars.

2. 3D Printing: Everyone needs better-performing vehicles these days. All they are looking for is upcoming innovation and automated cars. Companies are also greatly streamlining supply chains and optimizing production and logistics. 3D printing helps in quick prototyping of vehicles and making tools, end parts, etc. Batteries are the foundation of the future in the automobile industry. Automotive battery manufacturers Lakhimpur are striving to give efficient batteries with their innovation.

3. Digitalization: Digitalization is a new arena giving car buying and selling experiences to users. In the coming days, the innovations and updates will include IoT, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality on a very deep level.

Technologies Resulting Into Automobile Industry Innovation

1. Blockchain: Blockchain is the second generation of the internet that can change the process of an organization. Blockchain gives shared mobility solutions and vehicle data for connections like urban transportation, ride-hailing, as well as making deliveries using secured networks. There are many other benefits of using blockchain technology in the automotive industry. It is used to increase the supply chain, back-office efficiency, and ease the verification process.

2. Big Data and Data Analytics: These technologies help in making ideal decisions throughout the vehicle’s lifecycle. With the help of the vehicle-related data tends to maintain predictiveness, fleet, and alerts when accidents take place. The customer care data helps in the optimization of supply chains, boosting sales and improvements in product designs.

3. Artificial Intelligence: Robotic automation in the automotive sector is the result of computer vision, machine learning, and deep learning. Self-driving cars manage fleets, help drivers in being safe, and inspect vehicles. Yes, speedy production is another advantage that we are going to see on our Indian roads.

4. Human-Machine Interface: Using a human-machine interface is changing the way drivers will engage with their vehicles. For example, voice-based and virtual assistants in vehicles make it easy to operate cars and other vehicles. It makes driver engagement more fun and safer.

5. Connectivity: Connectivity with the vehicle makes it easy to drive safely, insure and manage a fleet. Customers and the entire mobility ecosystem are benefitted from sharing the vehicular data.

Change is the only constant the automobile industry is also experiencing a revolution in the information era. They are bolstering the demand for self-driving and electric vehicles. Advancements in vehicles and their batteries are giving rise to many new possibilities such as analytics-driven maintenance, insurance, safety improvements. You can communicate with vehicles and transact over them through the internet very safely. The breakthrough technologies in the automobile industry are making a boom. Cutting-edge manufacturing methods by industrialists and researchers are giving a new shape to the industry.

6 Common Car Battery Problems Leading To Starter Issues

Car battery is the superhero that cranks up the engine and makes your car jump into action the moment the car keys are pushed in and turned. But what if your car doesn’t start at all, isn’t that a kind of annoying thing? Yes it is. You must have bought the car battery from the car battery manufacturer after so much research, still at times you can land in a situation when the car doesn’t start.

1.How does a car battery function

Car batteries are SLI batteries that are starting, lighting and igniting batteries. As the name implies they help the car to start. These batteries provide a huge amount of current in a short time to power up the car to bring it alive. 

The power is supplied to the car’s engine by the car battery then the car is powered with the alternator. Later on the car is charged with the help of the alternator.

Common battery problems

Now let us go through the common car battery problems that might be hampering the starting of the car. It could be due to our own mistakes or a manufacturing defect.

The following could be one of the reasons or a combination of reasons for starting issues of the car.

1.Corrosion of terminals 

It is one of the most common reasons for the car battery damage. Due to the corrosion happening at the terminals the performance will be hampered.

2.Separator failure

It separates the negative and positive plate and keeps them apart.The damage to the separator between the plates could lead to dysfunctioning.

3.Shed material

Due to long term usage or jolts and vibrations, the pasted material on the plates gets shed and this leads to decreased efficiency.


There could be physical damage to the car battery from outside like on the container or inside on the plates. This happens due to vibration incurred on the adverse road conditions.

5.Low electrolyte level

Over time the electrolyte level gets depleted so it is always important to top it up with water. The electrolyte in the commonly used lead acid batteries is a solution of around 65% sulfuric acid and 35% water.


If you travel a lot or use your car mostly on a daily basis it is a big disappointment when your car suddenly stops working or just becomes dead.

You can always take them to get replaced but as we all know prevention is better than cure hence show some care to your car battery by following these steps:

1.Check up:

Get your car checked frequently at an authorized car mechanic to remain updated about the car condition.

2.Battery tester

Use a battery tester to know about the car battery condition. Use the appropriate battery tester according to your battery. Normally the clips on the battery tester are attached to the battery terminals and then the tester gives the reading.

3.Find the right car battery

Always use the right battery for your car. This way you not only get improved efficiency but also it is better for the car’s health also. 

4.Check the expiry date

Check with the car battery to know about the expiry date. Replace them immediately when you see any damages to the car. 

I just wish your car battery never runs into any problem and is endowed with a long life but..but…everything has an expiry date. Sadly. But if you choose a powerful battery then you will have a longer lifespan compared to the other ones. For excellent performing car batteries choose them from Eco power, a leading car battery manufacturer in India that offer a load of high performance, efficiency and are pocket friendly as well. Check out their website at http://www.ecopowerbatteries.in/ for more information

Lead-acid automotive battery with advanced technologies- The best options for car owners

The best automotive battery manufacturer in India always ensures quality products for car owners. You know that battery technologies have undergone lots of transformation, as manufacturers use different chemistries. However, lead-acid batteries have not lost their importance in the automotive world. They store the electrical energy needed to add power to the electrical circuits of your vehicle.

While choosing lead-acid batteries for your car, you have to focus on two things- current and voltage. The standard voltage needs to be about 12.6V in the fully-charged condition. Lead-acid batteries used for automobiles produce voltage due to the metal plates immersed in a special solution. This solution contains sulphuric acid (35%) and water (65%).

The automotive battery manufacturer in India- Buy batteries for different vehicles

You can buy your automotive battery for golf cars and several other automobiles. The lead-acid battery for automobiles has a grid structure and contains a lead alloy. Due to the softness of pure lead, manufacturers use a small amount of metals to increase the strength. The presence of other metals also refines electrical properties. The commonly chosen additives are selenium, tin, calcium, and antimony.

Tin and antimony will ensure a proper deep cycling process. However, it can raise the water consumption level. Moreover, calcium minimizes the self-discharge level of your battery. In the modern lead-acid automotive batteries, you can find doping agents, like cadmium, selenium, and other elements to reduce the proportion of calcium and antimony.
Deep-cycle and starter batteries

While searching for lead-acid automotive batteries, you will get two options- the deep-cycle and starter battery. The starter battery helps in cranking the car’s engine, whereas the deep-cycle battery provides power consistently to your forklifts, wheelchairs, and golf cars. You may not find differences in design in these batteries. The peak power of the starter battery can be high. On the contrary, the power output level with the deep-cycle battery can be moderate, although it helps in the cycling process. The major differences are at the mechanical level.

The internal resistance level found in starter batteries is very low, and it is achievable by using some additional plates for the optimal surface area. Manufacturers apply the lead on the thin plates. However, plate thickness does not hold high importance due to the short discharge.

While buying starter batteries, you can find a marking- CCA. It shows how much current is delivered by the battery under low temperatures.

Deep-cycle batteries made of lead-acid have the optimal capacity with a higher cycle count. There is a use of thick lead plates for these batteries.  Although these lead-acid batteries are for cycling, you may find a risk of stress for full discharges. You can keep up moderate cycles by avoiding the full discharge. Charge your battery more frequently. You will notice Ah markings in deep-cycle batteries to indicate the level of current delivered by the battery.

Thus, lead-acid batteries for automobiles have complicated chemistry, and Indian manufacturers always try to provide the best output with their products.

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