Inverter batteries are an essential component of your emergency power supply system at home. Along with the inverter, the batteries help you get the backup when your electricity grid is at fault or the power supply is cut due to some other reason. It is important to buy a trusted inverter battery to get maximum backup and optimum performance without any hassles.
Just buying the best battery won’t do!
These days many inverter battery manufacturers are developing batteries that are laden with latest features. The task is not over with buying the best battery, rather a good maintenance has to be carried out to ensure a long life of the batteries.
Let’s read on to know the tips to take care of the inverter batteries. These tips are to be followed for lead-acid inverter batteries. Mostly the inverter batteries at homes are lead acid batteries and they require the following maintenance. Always handle the batteries carefully.Read and follow the instructions printed on the box and the manual.
How to take care of your inverter battery?
1.They need ventilation:
Place the batteries in a well ventilated area so that the fumes and gases can escape out. Also ventilation helps to lower the temperature as compared to a congested place. The batteries get heated up during their working and a ventilated place with flow of air will help reduce the heat. This also prevents excess evaporation of the water from the battery as well thus less frequent water topping is required.
2.Check the water levels in the battery:

With a period of time the water inside the battery reduces due to the chemical reaction and the heat. The electrolyte solution inside the battery consists of a mixture of sulfuric acid and water. As the water level reduces the sulfuric acid becomes more concentrated. To prevent this water is added to maintain the concentration.
3.Tap water is a big no-no:
Never use tap water to refill or top-up the battery as they contain certain impurities which will hinder the reaction occurring inside the batteries and thus decreasing the performance of the battery.
4.Clean battery is a happy battery:

Keep the battery surface clean and dust free by using dry cotton cloth.
5.The terminals should be rust free:
Rust free terminals ensure easy flow of electricity to and fro. Lead sulfate is produced at the junction, on the terminal which is a way of connection to the inverter. Lead sulfate increases the electrical resistance and thus hinders the flow of electricity between the inverter and battery. It affects the performance of the batteries in a negative way. Clean the terminals using nylon brush, warm water or with the right terminal cleaning solutions available. Always wear protective eyewear, rubber gloves and shoes to protect yourself while handling the battery.
6.Place the battery away from children and pets:
Batteries are dangerous as they contain sulfuric acid inside which is highly corrosive and they release toxic fumes as well. Keep the battery safe from children and pets to protect them.
7.Inspect it regularly:
After you buy an inverter battery, just don’t leave it in any corner of your homes abandoned. Check them regularly and look out for any damage and leakage. If you suspect anything then get them attended by an authorized mechanic. Do not try to handle a damaged battery, it can prove to be hazardous.
8.Check expiry date:
Keep a check on the expiry date of the inverter battery. Normally a battery would last up to 3-4 years depending on the company and battery manufacturer. Replace old, expired or damaged battery at once.
Hope these tips help you maintain your battery in its best health.
Looking to buy inverter batteries? Go for inverter batteries from Eco power, one of the reputed inverter battery manufacturers in India. Visit their website at to choose from their wide range.